Monday, December 26, 2011

black cat


So, christmas has just passed, happy holidays to you all! I had a quiet weekend back at home on LI, just my parents and my little sister and older brother. We watched movies like The Dark Crystal, The Labyrinth, The Never Ending Story.. don't worry, A Christmas Story and Elf were in there too, ha! My pops kept a fire going in the wood burning stove all day on christmas eve, and my mom made a delicious dinner. I got some awesome coffee table books and some perfume. I slept on my sisters floor on an air mattress in what used to be my bedroom. She moved into it from her room upstairs earlier this year.. kind of weird not having a room at home anymore. But she did paint it a really cool color and covered this wall with magazine cut outs and stuff. She's pretty cool, loves The Beatles and she got a book on Marilyn Monroe for christmas, who she says is her idol. Pretty cool inspiration in my book. Oh and my family got a new puppy, a black lab named Abbey like a month or so ago and I just got to meet her! So it was a really nice holiday weekend.

These photos have nothing to do with christmas. I was just bored and playing around with eyeliner, nothing too festive. I mean look, I'm in all black! I usually stand out like a sore thumb around town and on the subways where EVERYONE is wearing a black coat. I tend to wear a lot of color and I like it that way, so strange how many people wear black in this city.. anyway, I couldn't find my camera right now so these are some photo booth pictures. I havent used it in a while, truth be told I haven't used my mac too much since I got an Iphone, heh. But as soon as I find my camera I should get a few shots of what my place looks like now that we am all settled in and everything. You can kind of see one of our walls in the living room behind me and the window I'm sitting next to. I really dig this place, and want to share it with you all! It's kind of clean most of the time! Just the bedroom becomes a problem, I have a hard time hanging all my clothes back up!


Michelle Loreto said...

Love how you've done the eyeliner! Really do think it's gorgeous. Actually, I find myself wearing a lot more black these days than usual, haha.

x Michelle |

Jo - Lost in the Haze said...

Your beauty mark looks so incredible <3 <3 <3 and I love your eyeliner!

Lost in the Haze: Fashion Blog

Annalise said...

Ooh, la la lady. Looking very glamorous indeed.