Wow, nearly two months since I have posted here! A whole lot has been going on, in my life as well as in my heart and head. I haven't really felt too connected to this space recently, I have been thinking of leaving this blog behind actually and carving a new little space for myself out there. Focusing more on building a portfolio for styling, and not just styling myself, which is what this blog has been for the last three years and nine months. (!)
I have also recently fallen in love, and now he is away on tour for a month with his band, and I am left here to my own devices. Maybe this is the time to really start making a change, when I can really focus on myself again and figure out what it is I truly want to do with my life. Working at Beacon's is great, but I feel like I have been coasting for a while now, and I don't give myself enough credit for the talents I really have. Also, recently working on a short film for Samantha Pleet's Spring/Summer 14 collection, and modeling in her look book has given me a kick in the pants to get going already! I got to work with some really amazing people in both cases, and even made a few connections, I just need to keep the ball rolling is all.
I felt moved to post here again on account of my new Tabernacle dress, courtesy of the lovely Samantha Pleet. I dropped by her studio yesterday to pick it up, I also got a little sneak peek of the video and the look book! Super exciting! And I decided it was high time I make one of these dresses mine. Sam created this style a few years back and it is probably what she is most know for, and unfortunately, most ripped off of as well. Two things I truly admire about Sam's designs are the amazing construction and how well she has a proper fit down. Being that I have now tried on most of it, the knows fit, and that is super important, especially when it comes to a smaller production like her. She has got it down, and I can't wait to see the places she goes!

1 comment:
Such an amazing dress... Samantha Pleet is amazing. Just looking at the twisting detail and thinking about how to do that makes my head hurt a bit.
We were talking about you wanting to diversify what you do and leave the blog behind a couple of weeks back. I think you should definitely move onwards and upwards. You know when a job you loved at the beginning starts to stifle you that it's time to change direction.
(I kind of think you should keep the blog though, at least for a while. It's something you built that does have some influence, and I think it can help you. Just my two cents) :)
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