Look who's back! Well well well, it's now a brand new year, in fact, in just two days it will be 3 years now that I have been writing this blog! And what better way for me to celebrate that milestone than to be a very bad blogger and only post like 5 times in the last month ahaha! Whatever man, sometime you have to take a break from doing this blogging and documenting this life I am living and just live it.. ya know? Not too much crazy stuff to report in all that time anyhow.. well there was one more anniversary, the one of MY BIRTH! So I guess that's news, I'm 25 now, hayyyyy!
So here I am in my 2012 uniform, which will probably be most of my 2013 uniform as well, a mini skirt. A new one to add to my leather/pleather/suede collection that is ever growing. Been wearing this one a whole lot recently. And to sort of replace the proportions I was playing with a lot in the fall using knee socks, these kick ass new boots! Got these at work, a dude comes in to sell 60s deadstock shoes all the time cause he bought out a shoe store that closed back then. He is basically my guardian angel.. my 60s deadstock dream shoe guardian angel. These photos don't do them just justice, they are perfect but they take like a billion minuets to put on (not really) cause they lace up, don't zip up (which I like.. I'm not complaining I swear) and they actually fit my calves, which can be hard with these chicken legs. I'm rambling.. just trying to day I love deez bootz.
Gonna try to get back up on my blogging A game.. it really is just the fact that it's fucking cold out here in Brooklyn now, and my bed looks a whole lot better than getting up on my roof at like 9 in the morning and walking back and forth between my camera and that wall to set the timer. (now I really am complaining.)