I got this dress at work last week, it's by a brand KNT by Kova and T which I did not know before, but if the rest of the designs are this dreamy I'm gonna have to check them out. The necklace is from Etymology on Etsy, I have shown a few pieces from this line before. It's made by a regular customer at Beacon's named Natalie Jacob, she's a sweetheart and has a great eye for color and materials when it comes to her jewelry.
I just want to say something for the record, you may be able to see here and in some of my past posts since last winter that yes, I do indeed grow out my armpit hair. I started doing it last November because of a guy actually, someone I was casually dating who told me he liked it when girls wore their body hair naturally. At that point my armpits were really the only thing I did shave, my body hair is pretty light, leg hair don't bother me much. I have this stupid mole in one of my armpits anyway and it was always a huge pain to shave around it. So I figured I would give it a shot. I did it for him, I was intrigued by someone who found it attractive to be natural, but have kept it going for me.
It has been one of the most empowering things I have ever done. It makes me feel like I really own my body, that my body is the way it is for me, not for anyone else or society. I like that it might be somewhat surprising to other people when they see it, to see a pretty girl grow out her armpit hair and not shave it because she was always made to believe she was supposed to. And I know a lot of ladies who do this now, I would say almost a good half of the girls I work with grow theirs out, or have at some time or another. When Grimes was featured in Bust a few months ago you could see her armpit hair, and I saw on her tumblr how pleased she was they didn't decide to airbrush it out. I will see strangers out in public sometimes who wear theirs the same, and I feel like we are part of this secret club or something because we realized how good it feels to own our bodies. I'm not saying it's for everyone, but it's something to think about. This is the body you will spend this lifetime in, there is no reason to be afraid of it, explore it and enjoy it. It's just hair, after all.

hahaha yes! I've grown mine out too. I was just tired of shaving and it seemed to irritate my skin. After a while my BF was like "hey! that looks nice!" I asked why he never mentioned before that he likes pit hair and he said "I dunno, 'cause I thought you were happier shaving them... and it doesn't matter what I like, it matters what YOU like"
stunning! and such gorgeous hair too!
Great post! This was super interesting to read, thanks for the perspective. Beauty standards of hair are definitely socially prescribed, glad to hear you felt confident enough to break away and do your own thing. And how interesting a male fetishized body hair. It's so ingrained into my psyche to shave my pits, but one day maybe I'll give it a try. Good for you, gorgeous gal!
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