Today it is POURING! All last night super loud thunder storm rolling through, something we haven't gotten much of these days. So today for work I wanted to wear something that brought out sunshine and flowers! hah. I got this dress out of a $1 pile of stuff at Brimfield, thats totally my kind of sale! I'll dig through a dirty pile of clothes any day as long as there is promise of something good, and a good deal! I got like 10 things out of that pile, but this is definitely the best I got if ya don't count the cute wiggle dress I found with a rusted zipper!
And today, like yesterday, I'm sporting my good ol' trusty side french braid. Always a good style when you can't quite figure out what to do with your hair, or it maybe needs a good washing and ya don't have time hah. Also get a good amount of compliments, people seem to think it's a good deal harder to do than it actually is. So it's something I like to keep doing, I can show you all sometime!

love your hair! is the other side pulled smooth, with the french braid on only one side of your head? also that dress is lovely :)
Your dress is stunning! I love the varied horizontal stripes on it! And your hair is so pretty like that!
x Aliya
Shabby Apple $50 Giftcard Giveaway
We had terrible thunder too yesterday!
I love the side braid! I wish I had your hair!
that dress is BEAUTIFUL!
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