Last night at work, near the end of the night we have to go around and straighten, which means going through all the racks and looking at each piece making sure its hung right, buttoned up right.. ya know looking nice. This also gives me a chance to shop the racks and really see whats out there. While doing this last night I came across this amazing set!! It's crazy, it's from the 90s but has a total 70s feel to it, and the most amazing indian print! I love cropped tops, and especially this wrap around kind. Give me a high waisted maxi skirt to go with it and i'm sold!!
Another great thing is that I was looking for the perfect outfit to see Sleepy Sun tonight at the Mercury Lounge and this really hit the spot! I am super excited about this show, I have been listening to Sleepy Sun for a while, they are kind of a jam band stoner rock kinda thing, the kind of music I can really get into and a band I have wanted to see live for a while. Well in the last year and a half they have not come out to NY, but I always kept my eye out. Now here they are! and I'm pretty sure tonight is their record release party, being that their new record Spine Hits just dropped today. Can't wait! New Yorkers can be a real drag at shows.. standing around looking cool, but I fully intend to dance my buns off!
Oh and check out these shoes! Another score from yesterday, I don't know what the brand is but I love them. I think I am turning into the clog queen, cause last week when I went to Beacon's with my friend Leeann I found some Swedish Hasbeens for H&M!! And for only $15! I remember when that colab happened and I couldn't make it to the stores in time to get any. I was a bit bummed cause they were more affordable and cute as hell, but I got over it. Thats why I love thrifting and picking so much, if you are patient the things you are looking for will often times find you!!

What an absolutely stunning dress!
what a fab dress - especially with those shoes!
another great look
Love the print on your dress...
I think I need to pick up some thrifting tips from you, I can't believe you found those shoes! Also, that outfit...its so gorgeous!
So envious of your clogs! Been looking for an affordable pair for fooorever.
those shoes... woweeee. if i worked at a vintage store, id be broke lol
Steffys Pros and Cons
I absolutely love this outfit - you look so perfectly 70's, very Anjelica Huston. x E
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