So another Friday is here and this means time to dress up! Well, I like to dress up every day, we all know that, but every Friday I get to stick to a theme along with the other chickies I work with. This week it's bright colors! Which was really no problem for me, cause I do own a lot of color. First I was going to go with a skirt and blouse combo, both of which had very bright clashing prints.. but then I just decided to keep it simple and wear one of the brightest dresses I had. I got this one back in like August from the Wburg Beacons, it's some new brand but I forget which. I thought it was vintage when I first found it, I also thought it went with the ruffles in the front! But no, instead it's a sexy back detail making it even better!
I'm pretty pumped today, do you know why? Well, yesterday my boyfriend made a trip to and from long island to bring out some of his guitar stuff, and also brought our bikes out here!! They had been sitting in a shed back on LI and I was trying to figure out a way to get them out here.. and now I have my pretty bike again! It's a yellow vintage Huffy from somewhere between 1976 and 1980 (my friend Bob came over last night and helped me change a tube, also helped me research the unique kind of gear box on it which was only made for a short time therefor narrowing down when I believe my bike to have been made. Thanks Bob!) I got it at a thrift store on LI like 4 years ago for $30! It also has a wicker basket! And I plan to ride that baby to work today!! Yay for bikes and for saving money on subways!

bike pictures please! ;) have a great weekend! xxx
really love the back of that dress!
Yeah, outfit photo with bike! Enjoy your riding...
This dress is gorgeous!
Love the back of the dress!
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