Thursday, March 24, 2011

full moon


Sorry I'v been away this week! The weather has been really crappy (raining mostly, snowed last night! but its all gone now pretty much now that the sun is out) and I have been having a problem with my shoulder recently.. so I just haven't felt like sitting on the computer or doing anything for this blog ha.
These are some photos from last weeks "super" moon. I went with Ali to the south shore in Sayville to these docks we used to hang out at in high school sometimes. It's got a really nice south east view of where the moon was rising. We got there a couple of minuets too late, we did't get to see it rise over the horizon, but we got to see it really low and huge and orange. These photos have been lightened drastically, so it wasn't this light out, but it was a really nice time just sitting by the water watching the moon for a bit with my best gal.

1 comment:

Amelia said...

so gorgeous. i watched it too! but unfortunately, it was cloudy. sounds like you had a lovely time :)